


Ayurveda a science of Indian origin is existing since such a long time. The concept of Anupana (medicine adjuvant ) is mentioned in the Ayurveda. Ayurveda is a science of ancient Indian medicine by itself and Anupana plays an integral part of Chikitsa (treatment).

Anupana consists of two words ‘Anu’ (Paschat/later) and ‘Pana’(drinking ).  Anupana is defined as that, which enhances the properties of medicine when taken along with it. In Ayurveda, medicine or any food form can be used for treating different kinds of diseases by simply changing the Anupana.

Anupana Dravya types :

  • SheetalaJala (Cold water)
  • UshnaJala (Hot water)
  • Ksheera (Milk)
  • Asava (Fermented liquids)
  • Arista (Wines)
  • Rasa (Meat soup)
  • Phalamla (Alcohol prepared from fruits)
  • Dhanyamla (Alcohol prepared
  • from grains)
  • The rain water is considered as the best Anupana.

Selection of Anupaan

The Anupana has to be selected based on different factors like

  • Vyadhi (pathological factors of disease )
  • Kala (time consideration of age of patient / season/ etc)
  • Dravya (type of anupaan)
  • Ahara (consideration of food)

Anupana Matra (quantity)

Dose of Anupana depends on Doshas (vata/pitta/ kapha) involved in eitogenisis of a disease

  • Vata Rogas – 1 Pala (about 10 gms)
  • Pitta Rogas – 2 Pala
  • Kapha Rogas – 3 Pala

Importanace of anupana :

Anupana is essential for each and every individual to get the desired effect of Dravya which is taken in the form of Ahara (food) and Aushadha (medicine).

The potency of the medicine gets enhanced and brings about the desired effect when administered with suitable Anupana.

The Anupana when consumed along with food increases digestion and absorption capacity while at the end of intake of food causes Bruhana.

Thus, suitable Anupana should be selected for different individuals and different conditions to obtain maximum benefit .Care should be taken in selecting Anupana suitable for ourselves for getting all the beneficiaries from intake.