My Health

Ayurved for Viral Diseases
My Health

Ayurved for viral diseases

Viruses are defined as cellular, ultramicroscopic, metabolically inert nucleoprotein particles having RNA or DNA strands. Viral replication is a potential …

Junk Food
My Health

Is your food slowly eating you ??

Ayurved has described Ahara (food) as one of the Trayopastambha (three fundamental pillars of life ) Human biological system requires …

Marma Chikitsa
My Health

Marma – Where consciousness meets matter

Marma means ‘hidden or secret”. The science of marma or Marma Vidya is a extraordinary and dynamic Ayurvedic therapy that …

My Health


Ayurveda a science of Indian origin is existing since such a long time. The concept of Anupana (medicine adjuvant ) …

Kidney stone Myths
My Health

Myths about kidney stone

Calculi or stone is a solid/ crystal sedimentation formed in the urinary system. It is also called as Urolithiasis. It …

My Health

Virudhha aahar – hazardous food combinations

The wellbeing of the individual chiefly depends upon the kind of food he consumes. The maximum benefits of Ahara (food) …

My Health

“I’m on diet” (is it really good for you ??)

What makes food important, is it calories or nutrition? Or something else, like flavour, fads or appetite of a consumer. …

Barometers for Health
My Health

Barometers for Health

In our last article, I asked you to question yourself “am I really healthy??”. . And to differentiate between …

NIPAH infection
My Health

Ayurveda – effective against NIPAH virus infection

Nipah virus (NiV) infection is a newly emerging zoonosis that causes severe disease in both animals and humans. The natural …

Am I Really Healthy
My Health


“am I really healthy??” …… when u ask yourself this very important question some will answer “yes off course.” Not …