
Kadhi / कढी

Maharashtrian Kadhi


  • It balances all the three dosha
  • The kadi is hot in potency
  • Light to digest
  • Nourishing
  • Binds the stools
  • Suitable for all kapha prakrti
  • It increases the Agni
  • Advised in Grahani (sprue)
  • Diarrhea
  • Mal absorption
  • Weakness
  • Disorders of stomach
  • Vata diseases
  • It reduces Kapha in the body but increases kapha in the throat So it is not suitable for cough, cold and sinusitis.


  1. Buttermilk  – 3 cups
  2. Turmeric powder  – 1 pinch
  3. Rock salt  – to taste
  4. Pepper  – 1 spoon
  5. Cumin – 1 spoon
  6. Coriander seeds  – ½ spoon
  7. Ajwain seeds – ¼ spoon
  8. Fennel seeds  – ¼ spoon
  9. Fenugreek – ¼ spoon
  10. Dill seeds – ¼ spoon
  11. Mung dal – 1 spoon
  12. Grated coconut – 3 spoons
  13. Coconut oil  – 1 spoon
  14. Ginger – 1 small piece
  15. Mustard – 1 spoon
  16. Asafoetida – 2 pinch
  17. Curry leaves – few
  18. Coriander leaves – few


Maharashtrian Kadhi-

  • Take buttermilk.
  • Add rock salt and a pinch of turmeric powder and little water.
  • Churn well and keep it aside.
  • Soak Mung dal, pepper, ginger, coriander seeds, fennel seeds, ajwain seeds, dill seeds, cumin, and fenugreek in water.
  • After 15 minutes of soaking take it.
  • Add grated coconut to this and grind it well.
  • Add this to the buttermilk.
  • Mix well and boil it for 5-10 minutes.
  • Remove from flame when it starts to boil and rise up.
  • Season it with mustard seeds and asafoetida in coconut oil.
  • Garnish it with curry leaves and coriander leaves.